Dog Puller rules
Rules of participation in the event
Veterinary conditions
All participants are obliged to comply with the veterinary conditions of the Czech Republic. Each participant must show a valid vaccination card with a valid vaccination against rabies.
Dog handling and behavior at the event
Always treat your dog with respect, do not overload, abuse or punish it. If during the event there was a violation of Act No. 246/1992 Coll., on the protection of animals against cruelty, as amended, this fact would be immediately reported to the authorities in this area. During the event, respect the instructions of the organizer and treat other event participants correctly.
All participants are required to comply with the Act on the Protection of Animals against Cruelty (i.e. dogs with cropped ears or other surgical procedures that were done for reasons other than health cannot participate).
Use the equipment of the Pesopark area exclusively according to the organizer's instructions. Bring your own collar, leash, toys, treats, muzzle and other accessories to ensure you are in control of your dog.
Alcohol and other narcotic and psychotropic substances
The consumption of alcohol and other narcotic and psychotropic substances is prohibited at the event, persons under the influence of these substances will not be allowed to enter the premises.
Destruction of premises
Do not allow your dog to destroy the grounds and exercise area by urine marking, digging holes or otherwise. If damage is caused (to property, other lesson participants, etc.), we ask for immediate financial compensation. The handler is responsible for all damages caused by the dog or the handler.
Entrance to the premises
Always enter the area with your dog on a leash, you may only let your dog off leash at the moment of the competition performance.
Should you have any questions, please contact us by email: dogpullercz@gmail.com.