
The World Championship would not be possible without our wonderful sponsors supporting the event.

The general partner of the World Championship and the whole Dog Puller Sport in the Czech Republic is the company Rebeldog. Without Rebeldog it would not be possible. The owner of Rebeldog, Daniela Duchková, brought Dog Puller to the Czech Republic in 2016 and is also the exclusive importer of Puller from Collar. Since then, she has been constantly promoting this beautiful sport.


Sabiovet - At Sabiovet, we combine veterinary and pharmaceutical expertise with ingredients from nature.

Prostě srdcem z.s.

Hodný pes- dog training center.

ISCA z.s. - Interspecies Communication Association, an educational society.

Should you have any questions, please contact us by email: dogpullercz@gmail.com.