Running, Jumping

This discipline consists of alternately running the dog for the Puller on both sides of the field, catching it in motion in the catching zone and bringing it into the starting zone. The race field is 10 x 30 meters, the middle field is the starting zone, the outermost fields are the running zones, behind them is the catching zone, which is not limited. The discipline lasts 90 seconds and two Puller rings are used alternately
- dog's task is to catch Puller in motion in the catching zone
- handler's task is to throw the Puller so that the dog catches it while still in motion in the catching zone
- dog must bring the Puller back to the starting area, where it is dropped on the ground or handed over to the handler
- handler must alternate sides and Puller rings
- handler is allowed to have only two Puller rings in the starting zone
- team tries to score as many points as possible
A competitor scores 1 point if all of these conditions are met in a single roll:
- dog catches the Puller in the catching zone
- dog catches the Puller while rolling
- dog brings the Puller to the start zone
Failure to meet any of the conditions listed above will result in 0 points for the throw:
- dog catches the Puller in the running zone
- dog lets the Puller go anywhere other than the start zone
- dog catches Puller in the catching zone, but the Puller is not in motion
- handler crosses the start zone when throwing the Puller
If the handler throws just before the end of the time limit (the dog reaches the starting zone after the time limit), this throw is counted according to the normal evaluation.

This discipline consists in alternating jumping from circle to circle with a bite into the Puller in the jump. We always use both Pullers alternately. The competition takes place in the middle field, which is 10 x 10 meters. The discipline lasts 90 seconds, two Puller circles are used, alternating for each jump.
- dog's task is to bite into Puller in the jump
- handler's task is to hold the Puller correctly at height and motivate the dog to jump alternately
- both Puller rings must be alternated and the handler must hold the Puller in their hand at the moment of catching it by the dog
- Puller can only be released after the dog has gripped the Puller in their mouth (depending on the working technique, the handler can also release the Puller)
- team tries to get as many Puller catches in the jump as possible
In Puller JUMPING the quality of jumps is scored, not the number of jumps.
- gripping the Puller in the jump with all four paws above the ground - 2 points
- gripping the Puller in a jump with front or three paws above the ground - 1 point
- gripping the Puller with three or all paws on the ground - 0 points
- not gripping the Pulleru - 0 points
- overstepping of handler - 0 points